An Open Letter To Border Cities Masonic Lodge

Square & Compass Promotions
2 min readJun 5, 2022


To the Brethren of Border Cities Masonic Lodge;

In February 2020, I submitted to Border Cities Masonic Lodge an Application for Affiliation. I submitted the application with a great deal of excitement; excitement about the possibility of joining a Lodge which contains true exemplars of Freemasonry (within both Essex District and Ontario).

I also submitted the application with a great deal of trepidation; already being an active member of two Masonic Lodges and the Scottish Rite I had to ask myself-would I have the time for another Masonic responsibility?

Little did I (or anyone) know what the subsequent two years would hold for Border Cities Masonic Lodge (or Freemasonry).

Beginning in March 2020, Governmental health restrictions and Grand Lodge edicts resulted in a suspension of in-person Masonic meetings. This suspension (in one form or another) remained in place for almost two years.

This suspension hit Border Cities particularly hard, as it coincided with Border Cities 100th anniversary. This limited the ability for Border Cities Membership (and our entire district) to celebrate what is a truly wonderful Lodge filled with a truly wonderful membership.

Now, in-person meetings have resumed. Lodges are returning to Masonic activities.

It is time for Border Cities to return to Masonic activities too!

While not (yet) a member, I will do everything in my power to assist Border Cities in its return. I will attend meetings and encourage others within my Masonic sphere to do the same. I will (if asked) take within Border Cities a leadership role.

I know that will not act alone. While a small(er) Lodge, Border Cities membership is strong and filled with amazing Masons. Essex District also contains many dedicated Masons who will, if asked, assist Border Cities.

I understand, pursuant to your Worshipful Master, that Border Cities next meeting is scheduled for October 5th, 2022 (11am). I will be there.

Even if I did not have an application for affiliation pending, I would be there. I would be there to to see Border Cities Membership wearing its brand-new gold-braided regalia. I would be there to support my Brethren in Freemasonry. I would be there to support Essex District Freemasonry.

At the start of this letter, I referenced both my excitement and trepidation when submitting my application for affiliation. Two years later, while the excitement remains, the trepidation is gone.

I am excited for the future of Freemasonry.

I am excited for the future of Essex District.

I am excited for the future of Border Cities Masonic Lodge.


W. Bro. Cameron Adamson

Application-Border Cities Masonic Lodge



Square & Compass Promotions

Square & Compass Promotions explores the many ways in which Freemasonry is relevant to our communities. We share both Masonic & Personal stories.