Emergency Preparedness Week 2024

Square & Compass Promotions
5 min readMay 8, 2024
Emergency Preparedness Week 2024
Emergency Preparedness Week 2024

May 5, 2024 to May 11, 2024 is “Emergency Preparedness Week 2024.”

[C’est la #semainedelasécuritécivile. Les situations d’urgence peuvent survenir sans signes avant-coureurs. Dotez votre famille d’un plan d’urgence pour que tous soient préparés.]

Emergencies happen without warning. Is your masonic building or body prepared?

This is true both within and without a masonic building or body…but Masons (especially masonic leadership) have a responsibility to be prepared for any emergencies which may arise.

Below, we provide some general ideas on being prepared, along with resources as to where you can get even more ideas.

Having said that, please don’t forget to consult with local medical professionals and legal consultants if you have any general concerns.

1-First Aid

  • Does your Masonic building have first aid kits therein? Are they checked regularly?
  • If so, does your membership and guests know where these First Aid kits are located and/or how to access these kits?
  • What about First Aid itself…do any of your members know basic first aid and/or how to react in case of a medical emergency?
  • Does your masonic building have a list of members who know basic first aid, should an emergency arise?
  • In case of a medical emergency, do members have emergency contacts who can be advised of the emergency?

Freemasons come in all ages and in all types of health, but many are older and many are at a higher risk of medical emergencies such as stroke, heart-attack, “trip & fall,” etc.

In many cases, a masonic building will also contain public spaces, kitchens, concert venues, etc; all of which present opportunities for revenue, public relations, and potential emergencies. Having adequate first-aid precautions is an important way to mitigate those risks.

2-Keeping In Touch

  • After a Masonic meeting, do you have anyone keeping track of members making it home safely?
  • If a member does not make it home safely, is there an emergency number families can contact?

Sometimes, a masonic meeting can run late; refreshments can make an evening run even later.

Combine driving late at night with any potential weather related challenges, emergencies are very possible. Taking a few moments to ensure members make it home safely, or having an emergency number to call if a member does not make it home safely, could potentially save lives or at least limit potential harms.

Also, it may be worth (especially in colder climates) making sure membership has within their cars emergency kits (including things such as flares, blankets, first-aid basics) in case of a car breakdown, crash, or similar emergency.

3-Fire! Fire! Fire!

  • Does your masonic building have accessible and identifiable fire-escapes?
  • Does your masonic building have accessible and identifiable fire-extinguishers?
  • Does your masonic building have working (and regularly checked) smoke alarms, heat sensors, and other detection systems?
  • Is your masonic building regularly inspected to ensure all of the above remain in working order?
  • Does your masonic building have a “fire plan” (or otherwise evacuation plan) that is posted somewhere for membership and guests?

The above may seem obvious, but it is amazing how many Masonic buildings do not seem to have any of the above, or limited above.

To add to the above: does your building have emergency lighting; does your membership know who may require assistance in case evacuation is required; does your membership bring working cell phones in case a “911 call” is required?

It may also be in the interest of a masonic building to invite the fire department on a tour(s). Many masonic buildings are older and/or have unique features not found in a typical building. Having the fire department tour the building in advance means, in case of a fire or similar emergency, the fire fighters and first responders will navigate the building quickly and efficiently.

To its credit, our home (the Windsor Masonic Temple) has hosted the Windsor Police Services and the Windsor Fire Services and has taken both groups on tours of the building.

4-Natural Disasters/Weather

While fire is perhaps the most common danger, natural disasters and weather patterns such as hurricanes, earthquakes, flash floods, severe storms, tornadoes can all create emergencies.

  • In case of an earthquake, flash flood, or other emergency, does your membership know how to respond?
  • Does your masonic building have a plan in place for such emergencies?
  • Does your building have an evacuation plan if required and a list of membership which may need assistance in case evacuation is required [note the opposite may also be true, what if their is a “shelter-in-place” warning]?

5-Man Made Emergencies

The above examples have all been natural emergencies, but human beings are capable of creating emergencies without mother nature’s help. Perhaps the most discussed type of man-made emergency (in recent years) is active shooters or, more generally, criminal activity such as arson.

Taking the time and putting in the work to create a secure building is, of course, the best way to mitigate emergencies. This includes having secure doors that are locked as necessary, surveillance cameras and active monitoring on the same, alarm systems (all of which should be checked regularly), and keeping in touch with local police services and taking part in active shooter drills or other similar courses.

  • During an active-shooter situation (for example) does your masonic building or membership have a plan in place?
  • Does your membership bring working cell phones in case a “911 call” is required?

To its credit, our home (the Windsor Masonic Temple) has taken great steps to improve its safety by adding new security cameras that include regular monitoring, safer and more secure access to the building (also monitored), and by maintaining and growing its relationship with law enforcement.

General Notes

The above ideas and questions are not the “be all and end all” of emergency preparedness; we encourage our readership to consult legal counsel, medical counsel, etc when preparing emergency plans.

However, we hope they provide (at least) a starting point by which to judge how prepared their masonic lodge or building is for any emergencies which may arise.

Depending on the make-up of your masonic lodge or body (or building), it may be appropriate to communicate emergency plans in multiple languages; including braille on emergency signage.

As in all circumstances, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure…having adequate insurance (and perhaps taking out special insurance for large events), reviewing your buildings safety features regularly, discussing safety with membership and guests, represent the duty of every mason and every citizen, inviting EMS services for special events. and more.

Learn more at:

All opinions expressed are those of Square & Compass Promotions and the guest(s), and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Windsor Masonic Temple and/or any masonic group.



Square & Compass Promotions
Square & Compass Promotions

Written by Square & Compass Promotions

Square & Compass Promotions explores the many ways in which Freemasonry is relevant to our communities. We share both Masonic & Personal stories.

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